- matthew, 宝贝儿, 怎么了? Matthew, honey, what is it?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- matthew,宝贝儿,怎么了? matthew, honey, what is it?
- 怎么了 what's wrong
- "过来,乖宝贝儿!"海丝特给孩子鼓劲说,同时伸出了双臂。 "Come, dearest child!"" said Hester encouragingly, and stretching out both her arms. "
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 不怎么 not very
- "你何必怀恨在心呢,人家说的是真情实况,我的小宝贝儿? "Why should you so resent hearing the truth, my pet?
- 太阳升上来了,向它微笑,说道:“你好么,我的宝贝儿?” The sun rose and smiled on it, saying,"Are you well, my darling?"
- 我从身上拿出300递给了她,说:你怎么了,我没得罪你吧。 I found out from the 300 approached, she said: how you, I have not offended you cafes.
- 给你们的宝贝儿起的什么名字? What's your baby named?
- 我不知道我是怎么了(我不知道是什么原因使我有那种举动)。 I can't think what came over me,ie I do not know what caused me to behave in that way.
- 你想要什么,宝贝儿? What do you want, sweetie?
- 没什么,老兄。嘿!你把自己怎么了!迈可?你现在看起来不同了。 Not much,man. Shit! What did you do to yourself,Mike? You're looking different now days.
- 哦,宝贝儿,不要说话 Oh baby hush your mouth
- 你的感冒(头痛、腿等)现在怎么了? How's your cold( headache, leg, etc.)?
- 还有别的事吗,宝贝儿? Anything else, duck?
- 到了终点后,丢丢双腿跪在沙滩上不说话,我过去拍拍她的头,问她怎么了?? After we got at the destination, Diu Diu was kneeling on the sand, did not speak a word, I padded her head, asked her what happened?
- 你可别担心,宝贝儿。 Don't you worry, my sweet.
- 怎么了?---我也不知道。不知道因为什么她就生气了,而且不跟任何人说。 What's with Nancy? ---Beats me. She's pissed about something and won't talk to anyone.